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Institute for Staff Development
Academy Leadership Summit


The Institute for Staff Development, held each July, and the Academy Leadership Summit, held each November, are the key features of the National Academy Foundation's overall Staff Development program. Both events provide opportunities for all of NAF's constituents -- teachers, guidance counselors, high school principals, business and government partners, students and alumni -- to come together in order to share their unique perspectives and best practices while planning for the future.

New Academy Orientation is held each March.  Year of Planning sites that began the planning process the previous fall graduate to full academy status at this event.

Upcoming Conferences

The 2004 New Academy Orientation will be held March 14 through March 16, 2004, in Washington, D.C.  All 2004-05 Year of Planning sites, as well as newly accepted programs, are expected to be represented by full Academy teams, including school-based personnel and business partners.  This session is intended to integrate newer academies into the NAF network, and provide assistance for Academy launch in Fall 2004.  For more information, please follow the link above.

The 2004 Institute for Staff Development will be held July 18-20, in New York City. This event is appropriate for all members of Academy teams, business and government partners, and anyone who would like to learn more about the National Academy Foundation and its' network of Academy programs. For more information about the Institute, please follow the link above.

The 2004 Academy Leadership Summit will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada, November 17-20. This event is appropriate for Academy directors, site coordinators, principals, Advisory Board members, and other Academy leaders. For more information about the Summit, please follow the link above.

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